Registrations open until 28 February 2023 - now more than 2,000 citizens registered for Citizen Science Experiment
More than 2,000 citizens from all over Europe have now registered for the INCREASE Citizen Science Experiment (CSE). Most of the so-far registered citizens are based in Germany (982), Sweden (438), Spain (293), Italy (215) and Poland (133).
Through an innovative approach to seed conservation, multiplication and sharing, the Citizen Science Experiment invites citizens to support agrobiodiversity by growing and evaluating old bean varieties in their fields, gardens, on their terraces or balconies.
Registrations for the Citizen Science Experiment are still open and the registration deadline was extended until 28 February 2023. Until that date, interested citizens can register via the ‘INCREASE CSA’ app.
Join us! Give agrobiodiversity a chance!