Francophone INCREASE Workshop held
On 8 February 2022, a francophone workshop presenting the European project INCREASE was held, led by the French INCREASE partners Terres Inovia and INRAE.
The objective of this workshop, beyond a global presentation of the project in French language, was to focus on two dimensions of the project:
- The INCREASE Stakeholders Consortium, bringing together all people interested by genetic resources, such as breeders, farmers, researchers, NGOs, associations of citizens/students, gardeners’ associations, etc.
- The INCREASE Citizen Science Experiment, having the purpose to test a novel decentralised approach to the conservation and management of genetic resources on beans at a European scale.
The workshop was also a place of exchange between the different French speaking members of the INCREASE Stakeholder Consortium attending the meeting, through various presentations held by French extension services (Terres Univia & Terres Inovia), French breeders (Semences de Provence, Agriobtentions, Cérience) and a Belgian research center (INAGRO) focusing on bean, lentil, chickpea and lupin markets, crop cultivation and breeding.