Work Packages
The project activities have been organised in eight work packages with clearly defined objectives and responsibilities for each specific partner.
Work package 1
Work package 1 provides a clear organisational framework and all the necessary support mechanisms to enable the smooth project workflow during INCREASE, and to ensure that all contractual commitments are met on time. Particular attention is paid to close integration of the less experienced partners.
Work package Leader: Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
Work package 2
Work package 2 assembles the available information from the partners and from the public domain, to develop gold standards for data sharing and integration into a central infrastructure with decentralised data input and to define the methodology for exploitation of the novel information produced by INCREASE. Two different data-management platforms are to be designed:
- one mainly based on expert data contributions, centralised data integration architecture of the material, traits lists and rating scales, in the central LIMS (LIMS-based repository), and generation of data collection applications that will be installed at selected partner sites;
- one mainly devoted to citizens (cf. Citizen Science Experiment) and final users for data collection and use, based on block chain data integration and certification, which will be integrated with the centralised data-management platform.
Both model platforms will be delivered, tested and compared by distributing apps among users and involving final user data integration tests.
Work package Leader: Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Work package 3
Work package 3 establishes and develops the sets of plant materials (the Intelligent Collections) that will be genetically and phenotypically characterised at different levels in INCREASE. The process of selection of materials is a crucial step for the success of the project. This work package also covers: (i) development of SSD lines of accessions for which SSD seeds are not available; (ii) seed increases to obtain seeds for all of the planned experiments; (iii) distribution of seeds; and (iv) DNA extraction and distribution. Moreover, issues related to seed exchanges will be managed (i.e., SMTAs, import permits, phytosanitary certificates).
Work package Leader: Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
Work package 4
Work package 4 provides comprehensive characterisation of the Intelligent Collections. A wide range of the most advanced genotyping and phenotyping approaches are used, such as -omics technologies, along with classical and high through-put phenotyping, to nutritional and technological quality characterisation.
Work package Leader: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG)
Work package 5
Work package 5 explores the genetic diversity, along with the reservoir of functional diversity, contained in the core-collections, to improve management and conservation of the genetic diversity and for pre-breeding purposes. This includes: (i) exploring genomic patterns of diversity; (ii) determining the impact of human management and in-situ conservation on the extent of genetic diversity; (iii) identifying genomic regions/ genes and molecular phenotypes that have been targeted by selection, validate their links to agronomical relevant traits, and determine their potential exploitation for future breeding programmes; and (iv) identifying potential sources of germplasm to improve focal traits in any given environment.
Work package Leader: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Work package 6
Work package 6 exploits the results of the other work packagess to improve the current standards of germplasm management, by introducing innovative approaches to promote conservation and use of genetic resources. For this purpose, we use molecular tools to develop optimisation procedures, we promote adoption of innovative dynamic germplasm management practices that will ensure coordination between genebank conservation and in-situ/ on-farm conservation, and we foster citizen science approaches and develop decentralised conservation tools and resources.
Work package Leader: Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Work package 7
Work package 7 ensures consistent dissemination and communication, safeguarding optimal visibility and a wide outreach to all relevant stakeholders, as well as strategic planning and operational support of project exploitation through dedicated innovation management. Innovation management is supported by effective project management (WP1) to ensure that high-quality results are created, captured, assessed and used.
Work package Leader: European Research and Project Office GmbH (EURICE)
Work package 8
Work package 8 focuses on ethical issues and sets out the 'ethics requirements' that the project must comply with.
Work package Leader: Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)