Finishing race of SMTA phase in 3rd round of Citizen Science Experiment
The finish line of the SMTA acceptance phase is in sight and the entire Citizen Science Experiment (CSE) team continues to work hard to provide seeds to the overwhelming number of participants in this year's CSE round.
Accepting the SMTA is the first step for participating citizens to get their bean seeds. To date, the CSE team has been able to activate around 8,000 of the in total 9,000 new participants for the SMTA. The bean bags for them are prepared – bravo Ancona-team! Over 6,300 participants have already accepted the SMTA. The dream bean team in Ancona has already sent out 3,200 envelopes with bean seeds, focusing on the southern regions in Europe first. We are happy that already 1,700 Citizen Scientists have well received their beans and have validated their receipt in the ‘INCREASE CSA’ app.
To the still waiting participants from Germany and Belgium we ask for a little more patience, further SMTA activations for the remaining participants will take place this and next week.
Picture showing correct bean validation. You can find a tutorial on how to validate your beans here.